JUMP TOGetting StartedIntroductionAuthenticationVersioningContacts APIChangeLogGet a list of changelogsgetGet import statusgetContactGet a contactgetGet a list of contactsgetFilter contactsgetUpdate a contactputDelete a contactdeleteContacts bulk deletepostContacts bulk activatepostContacts bulk disablepostDisable a contactpostGet number of contactsgetGet active and disabled contactsgetGet passive contact lists. Results are paginated into chunks of 500.get/contact/reactivate/{id}putContactActivityGet a contact activitygetContactDetailsGet contact detailsgetEdit contact detailspostContactNotesAdd a note to contactpostUpdate a contact notepostRemove a note from contactdeleteExtraDataGet key listgetGet date keysgetGet custom fieldsgetGet client key listgetCreate contact keypostUpdate contact keyputUpdate contact key visibilityputUpdates a list of keyspostDelete a contact keydeleteGet date formatsgetListsGet a contact listgetGet contact listsgetCreate a contact listpostUpdate a contact listputDelete a contact listdelete/lists/deletecontacts/{id}postLists bulk deletepostBulk delete unused listsdeleteAdd a contact to a listputRemove a contact from a listputRemove a contact by email from a listputImport contactspostCombine listspostSanitize listspostSegmentGet a segmentgetGet segment contactspostCreate a segmentpostUpdate a segmentputRename a segmentputDuplicate a segmentpostGet segmentsgetGet segments for a contactgetDelete a segmentdeleteSuppressionListGet a suppression listgetGet suppression listsgetRename a suppression listputDelete a suppression listdeleteDelete contacts from suppression listpostTagGet a taggetGet tagsgetCreate a tagpostAssign a tag to a contactpostAssign or create a tagpostUpdate a tagputDelete a tagdeleteAdd a tag to contactsputRemove a tag from contactsputRemove a tag from a contact using tag name and contact emailputValidate tagpostSubscription APIAuthorize/authorizepost/authorizegetFields/fieldsgetLists/listsgetSubscribe/subscribepostCore APICampaignGet list of campaignsgetGet campaigngetCreate regular campaignpostClientCreate a tagpostDownloadDownload documentgetExportExport contactspostExport Campaign OverviewpostExport statisticspostPricingGet pricinggetReportsRecipientsgetOpensgetClicksgetUnsubscribesgetComplaintsgetBouncesgetEmail ClientsgetDomainsgetGet opens from social media campaigngetTemplateGet list of campaignsgetGet TemplategetGet template htmlgetCreate a templatepostAssign a tag to a templatepostPowered by Lists bulk deletepost https://rest.directiq.com/contacts/lists/deleteDeletes contact lists whose identifier is equal to one of the given.